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Over 15,436 live organ donations in 2023, women donors surpass men

There were 16,542 organ donations in 2023, with more women being live donors. A live organ donor is when a living person donates an organ or part of an organ to another person for transplantation. The most common living organ donations are kidneys, but a part of the liver can also be donated.
According to data from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 9,784 women donated organs last year, compared to 5,651 men. A single transgender individual also contributed. Overall, there were 15,436 liver donors in 2023.
In total, organ transplants, both from living and deceased donors, reached a record high of 18,378.
The statistics revealed a higher number of deceased male donors, with 844 men donating organs, compared to 255 women. Overall, from January to December, there were 13,426 kidney transplants, followed by 4,491 liver transplants and 221 heart transplants.
Telangana led the country in organ donations with 252 cadaver (deceased) donors, followed by Tamil Nadu and Karnataka with 178 each.
In kidney transplants, Delhi topped the list with 2,576 cases, while Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra reported 1,633 and 1,305 cases, respectively.
Tamil Nadu also recorded the highest number of heart transplants, with 70 cases last year.

Telangana led the country in organ donations with 252 cadaver donors, followed by Tamil Nadu and Karnataka with 178 each. (Photo: Getty Images)

Despite a growing awareness campaign over the past years, organ donation rates remain low, with less than one donation per million people. In 2013, the number of organ donations was 4,990, showing significant progress.
According to the National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO) report, a living donor after the age of 18 years or above can donate either one kidney or part of their liver only.
A brain stem dead donor of any age can donate up to 8 vital organs, namely the heart, 2 lungs, liver, 2 kidneys, pancreas and small intestine and many tissues like cornea, bone, skin, and heart valves, among others.
While the total number of organ transplants done per year in the country has increased from 4,990 in 2013 to 17,168 in 2023. “However, the organ donation rate in our country still continues to be less than 1 per million population,” the health ministry said.
Organs are best donated from brain-stem dead persons before the heart stops beating. Many myths and misconceptions regarding organ donation need to be addressed, the report stated.
